Signals – Modular Cinematic

Created with modular guru Redstripedown, Signals pulls together a wide collection of modular synth-based cinematic sounds, textures, and atmospheres. Gracefully maturing spaces, dark evolving passages, and dreamy empyreal voyages emerge as multi-layered bass, lead, and pad samples are layered in a single loop. These high-quality recordings are processed through Redstripedown’s own intuitive modular setup, and each scene is loaded to inspire film composition, game scoring, and musical production with an independent, leftfield edge.


  • 20 Cassettes with matching samples
  • 50+ loop samples
  • 415 MB of samples

Developer contact

Signals is developed by SonalSystem LLC. Please note that if you buy a Portapack and accept being contacted for news, offers and updates, we will share your name and email address with the developer.

Product highlights

  • 4-track format for Portatron
  • A wide variety of BPMs and keys
  • Loop types to choose from like drones, sequences, atmospheres, etc.

Audio demos

System Requirements

  • Portatron 1.2 or higher
  • 300 MB disk space